100 conditions Bowen Therapy can help you with.

I have been amazed at the effects of the Bowen release for almost 20 years. I first experienced Bowen Therapy myself when I was 19 when my girlfriend gifted me a session for my birthday. At the time, I had no idea how profound this alternative technique could be and how much it would change my life. Bowen Therapy is gentle for all ages from newborn right through to the elderly and can unwind even the most stubborn tension effortlessly. It is important to mention that Bowen is not only effective for aches and pains, there are many conditions that this muscle release technique can help you with. I am continuously astonished when I see clients walk in with incredible pain and discomfort and after a gentle Bowen balance, they can walk out straight, feeling clearer and with a noticeable sparkle in their eye. There are hundreds of common health conditions that respond positively to Bowen Therapy.

100 conditions Bowen Therapy can help with;

1) Adhesion (tightness of muscles)

2) Ankylosing Spondylitis

3) Arthritis

4) Asthma

5) Arm Pain (upper and forearm)

6) Bursitis

7) Back pain

8) Bunion

9) Bulging Disc (YES!! you read that correct)

10) Bed Wetting

11) Bells Palsy

12) Breastfeeding Difficulties

13) Carpal Tunnel

14) Circulation problems

15) Concentration Difficulties

16) Constipation

17) Colic

18) Chronic Fatigue

19) Coccyx pain

20) Cancer (related symptoms)

21) Persistent Cough

22) Cramps

23) Chronic pain

24) Depression

25) Digestive Complaints

26) Dizziness

27) Elbow Pain (Tennis elbow, tendonitis, golfers elbow)

28) Epilepsy

29) Fainting

30) Falls

31) Fibromyalgia

32) Fertility

33) Frozen Shoulder

34) Flat Feet

35) Flat head (infants)

36) Foot pain (incl. plantar fasciitis)

37) Gallstones

38) Ganglion

39) Gout

40) Growing Pains

41) Herniated Disc

42) Headache

43) Hammer Toe

44) Hamstring Injury

45) Heart Burn

46) Heavy Periods

47) Hernia (inguinal and hiatus)

48) Hip Pain

49) Insomnia

50) Infertility

51) Injury or Accidents

52) Incontinence

53) Jaw Pain

54) Joint Pain

55) Knee Pain

56) Kyphosis

57) Lumbago

58) Learning Disabilities

59) Lock Jaw

60) Lumbar Pain

61) Lupus

62) Mastitis

63) Menopause Symptoms

64) Meniere's Disease

65) Migraine

66) Miscarraige

67) Multiple Sclerosis

68) Muscular Dystrophy

69) Neck Complaints

70) Neuralgia

71) Night Terrors

72) Nocturnal Enuresis

73) Oedema

74) Osteoporosis

75) Post Operative Care

76) Post Polio

77) Pregnancy

78) Parkinsons

79) Pelvic Pain

80) Pelvic Organ Prolapse

81) Reflux

82) RSI

83) Rheumatoid Arthritis

84) Restless Leg Syndrome

85) Sciatica

86) Shoulder Pain

87) Sprains

88) Slipped Disc

89) Stroke

90) Scoliosis

91) Shin Splints

92) Sinusitis

93) Telapes

94) Teething

95) Thyroid Conditions

96) Tinnitus

97) Vertigo

98) Whiplash

99) Wry neck

100) Wrist pain

And honestly, many signs and symptoms in between. The list is endless.

When I get asked ‘Can Bowen Help with…….?’' My answer is always ‘Yes’

The only thing Bowen can’t help with is broken bones and broken hearts, anything in between, it is worth a try.

Feel free to pass this list on. My mission in life is to touch and help as many people as I possibly can in this lifetime with Bowen Therapy and show them their body CAN heal itself with the right care and a gentle nudge.

Yours in Health and Healing Amber x


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